Happy 4th of July to our community, the families and children we serve, and our colleagues. Shout out to our partners with Dean's Transportation for another amazing job of decorating and participating in our community parade!
6 months ago, Larry Johns
4th of July Parade
4th of July Parade
4th of July Parade
4th of July Parade
4th of July Parade
4th of July Parade
4th of July Parade
4th of July Parade
4th of July Parade
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
7 months ago, Jessica Pilarski
Alpena elementary leadership teams are hard at work strengthening their positive behavior systems! They dedicated two days this summer to engage in professional learning and collaboration at the AMA ESD to have a stronger start next fall. Good work Alpena!!
7 months ago, Meaghan Gauthier
Alpena Elementary Teams Hard at Work!
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
7 months ago, Jessica Pilarski
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
7 months ago, Jessica Pilarski
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
8 months ago, Jessica Pilarski
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
8 months ago, Jessica Pilarski
The AMA ESD, in partnership with MAISA, held our first Math Learning Lab at Wilson Elementary. Eight teachers came together to learn and observe a math routine called Number Corner in Sarah Knoodle's 1st-grade classroom. Sarah, with support from her instructional coach, Brandie Gapske, has spent the year focused on the implementation of this daily math routine, as well as the Essential Instructional Practices in Early Mathematics. We are so thankful they were willing to open their doors for other teachers to learn from their experience and see the instructional practices in action. We look forward to hosting more Learning Labs in our districts in the years to come! #beAMAzing #MiMathEssentials
8 months ago, Shellie Gohl
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
8 months ago, Jessica Pilarski
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
8 months ago, Jessica Pilarski
AMAESD School Social Workers are proud to advocate, support and empower all students!
8 months ago, Kaitlynn Kowalski
School Social Workers from AMAESD pose for a photo in matching shirts.
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
8 months ago, Jessica Pilarski
The AMA ESD is hosting 2 fun-filled Literacy Nights for families with children ages 0-5, including adult-child activities and tips. Each family can take home a beautiful set of nearly 30 books for their Home Library! Register by June 11th, at https://forms.gle/bj9yKgbhj3hzMubt7. #beAMAzing #AMAgsc #LiteracyEssentials
8 months ago, Angela Bruning
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
8 months ago, Jessica Pilarski
May is Mental Health Awareness Month! It's an opportunity to bring attention to the importance of our mental health and promote open conversations about it. The students in Atlanta are helping spread awareness by sharing how they are, KIND TO THEIR MINDS! #beAMAzing #31nTherapy
9 months ago, Kasandra Showalter
May is Mental Health Awareness Month!
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
9 months ago, Jessica Pilarski
Transition night
As our inaugural Pied Piper Esports Spring Season concludes, we extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated staff, talented players, supportive parents, and the community. Your involvement made this season a success. See you in the fall! #beAMAzing
9 months ago, AMAESD3
Photo of Pied Piper Esports Staff and Students
Exciting News! Thanks to the generous donation from Hunter's Harvest, the STARS Reading Intervention Program at the AMA ESD was able to recently expand its “book store” collection! The students were excited to have additional titles to choose from. Together, we're making a difference, one book at a time! #beAMAzing #HuntersHarvest #CommunitySupport
9 months ago, Hilary Robinette
AMAzing People Doing AMAzing Things #beAMAzing
9 months ago, Jessica Pilarski
Sand tray therapy is a creative and non-threatening way for children (and adults!) to express their thoughts, feelings and experiences. The use of miniatures in the sand can assist them in processing through difficult things and find healing and acceptance over time. Some of the 31n School-based Mental Health providers across the AMA ESD use this type of therapy when working with students. #beAMAzing
9 months ago, Lauren Tallant
Sand tray